baby jack (5 weeks)…

sweet jack…and, his sweet mama…

thank you, leanne for a really nice morning of picture taking and mommy chatting.  🙂  jack is perfect.

calvin & wesley…minneapolis children’s photography

little calvin is one of my precious baby plan babies…and, he is edible isn’t he?  i photographed these two in june when calvin was just teeny tiny and at that point his big brother was not so sure about this new little baby that had arrived in his home.  but, things are different now and he was loving everything about his baby brother.  watching them interact was very sweet.  i had so much fun last week with this adorable family.  i am SO lucky to work with the best clients!:)  thank you, mclean’s…more to come soon.

on a side note, this is one of my two new studio spaces that are available to my clients.  i love them both and it has been wonderful in our dark, gloomy winter months.  both spaces have beautiful natural light and offer a different alternative than taking photos at your home or outside!

the pearson family…

meet nicholas, bennett, grant and baby rowan…these stunning wee ones are the children of my dear friend who i have known for many, many years.  this family is beautiful inside and out…it is evident when photographing them how much love surrounds their sweet family.  it was so fun to see the uniqueness of each child…and how they interacted with their little baby sister.  clearly they adore her…she is going to be very protected by her big brothers throughout her entire life.  nate and heidi, thank you.  it was wonderful to see you all and spend time with your family!  more photos to come soon!

miss elizabeth…

this very spunky little sweetheart was a very typical two year old…full of non stop moving energy!  🙂  i always feel like i have gotten a workout after photographing this age…translation, i am ready to collapse when i leave the shoot! ha!  elizabeth has the most beautiful, inviting brown eyes and cute little smile.  i was happy she brought along her special baby, named “baby.”  it was evident they have a very special friendship…very sweet.  🙂  thank you merritt and sean.  it was so nice to meet your family!

miss harper…

such a fun afternoon i spent with miss harper and her family…what a little sweetness.  i loved how harper’s mommy wanted to try all kinds of fun and creative ideas with her little girl.  i think harper enjoyed herself and especially the end of her session.  as you will see, she thoroughly enjoyed her beautiful birthday cupcake.  she was not happy when we wouldn’t let her eat the entire thing.  happy first birthday, harper…you are lovely and so is your family!