teeny tiny baby boy…minneapolis newborn photography

blake, you are the sweetest little peanut and you melt my heart.  what a lucky little baby you are to have come into the world to such wonderful parents; and, they are forever blessed by your sweet self.  jen and brian, i enjoyed our time together so much.  jen, you reminded me why i love my job so much when i looked at you staring at your blake and you were crying…what a wonderful mommy you already are. blake was a perfect little subject for our shoot. i cannot stop swooning over him. i hope these photos will forever remind you of your precious miracle when he was just days old.

Posted by Eydie Nelson

I adore the families I am fortunate enough to work with and am grateful they allow me to capture a little piece of their lives. Your children not only inspire me behind my lens, but fill me with happiness.

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29 Replies to “teeny tiny baby boy…minneapolis newborn photography”

  1. Oh my goodness! Eydie you are an amzing photographer, but this little man could not have been difficult! He is so sweet and Mama Breed you are such a lucky lady. Miss you and cannot wait to meet Blake in person!

  2. Jennifer Breed June 17, 2011 at 10:42 am

    Love, love, love the photos Eydie, and cannot wait to see the rest of them! You were so great with Blake, getting him to fall alseep and he looks so cute in the photos. Thank you so much!!!

  3. Mary Cornelius June 17, 2011 at 11:03 am

    Blake you are adorable! Mommy & Daddy are so proud, as well they should be!

  4. What A SWEET BABY! I can’t wait to meet him!

  5. ChrisCommerford June 17, 2011 at 12:00 pm

    very sweet pictures, brings a tear to my eye. such a blessing.

  6. Beautiful pictures!!!! He is so sweet. Congratulations again.

  7. Shelly Brassington June 17, 2011 at 3:02 pm

    He is so adorable- those are amazing photos! He looks so sweet and content!

  8. OMG! These are adorable. How can you pick? They are all great!

  9. Great looking boy!!

  10. Chandra and Rhonda June 18, 2011 at 8:23 am

    WOW……these are amazing….he is more than adorable….great photography!!! You all should be very proud….Blake will treasure these forever as you will, Brian and Jenn

  11. What amazing photos…Blake is so adorable!!

  12. Amazing photos of a beautiful baby!!! I love the black and white close up!

  13. We have certainly enjoyed this new baby and are so excited about the pictures you took of him. You did a great job, and we are anxious to get a picture of him!!

  14. Stephanie Fleitman June 21, 2011 at 3:58 pm

    What beautiful pictures! Great job Eydie and Blake 🙂 Love the close-up of his lips, nose, and chin. Blake, you are welcomed to this world with such loving parents and lots of support. Looking forward to watching your journey-

  15. WOW!! What a beautiful baby you have Jen and Brian! He looks so angelic in these pictures…just like the miracle gift that he is! The photography is amazing. Good luck in picking pictures…you might have to dedicate a whole room to displaying them!

  16. Wow – I’m speachless! Beautiful pictures by all!

  17. These are truly beautiful pictures! Brian and Jen can’t wait to meet your new bundle of joy…. these photos have captured a very special moment in time:) Best wishe to your family! Sandie

  18. Wow! Such sweet pictures….a sleeping angel!

  19. Blake is absolutely beautiful. What perfect photos!

  20. Molly Wallace June 22, 2011 at 7:42 pm

    Absolutely precious photos of little Blake! I would have to purchase all of them!

  21. Blake is such a cutie pie Jen! Can’t wait to meet him in person! Gorgeous pics by Eydie as always!

  22. Your photos make me want to reach out and touch the beautiful shots. You did have a great subject!!

  23. Juli & Larry & Lucas June 23, 2011 at 7:53 am

    Brian & Jen – Congratulations – he’s such an Beautiful Boy!! We’re looking forward to seeing you guys and meeting him soon!! Hugs

  24. Tracy McDonald June 23, 2011 at 9:19 am

    Jen – these are absolutely beautiful pictures! He is so adorable! Pete and I can’t wait to meet him! Let’s get together soon!

  25. Blake is one of the cutest babies I have ever seen, and your photography caught all of his charm and beauty. I could look at his photos for hours. You do wonderful and enchanting work.

  26. Jen, he so has Brian’s eyes. What a sweetie. I can’t wait to see him again. He is changing so much.

  27. Michelle Chinander June 24, 2011 at 7:33 pm

    Priceless!!!!I would not be able to choose …a sleeping bundle of joy(mine NEVER slept)Congrats to you !!!enjoy every minute (it goes by way tooo fast)

  28. Karla Constantino June 24, 2011 at 9:21 pm

    Wow, Jen and Brian – these are so adorable. What a great idea to have these done. They are definitely some of the best photos of a newborn I have ever seen. Congratulations

  29. Eydie, Can’t wait to see the pics you took of Addyson on Saturday. Your pictures are so absolutely amazing!

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