it is very hard for me to believe that our little love is already 4 weeks old. my eyes well up just thinking about it because he has already grown so much. sometimes, i wish that time could just stand still…because i just want him to stay teeny for just a bit longer. he is so tiny and perfect and innocent. i know that most of you understand this feeling exactly. i wish his teeny body would fit on my chest forever, all curled up in a little ball. i love snuggling with him…there is nothing like it. oh, how i love everything about this time…even with the lack in sleep, i love it.:) as you can see, i am very far behind in posting photos of myles…i have been cherishing this precious time with my family and adjusting to our new life of five. below are a few of the photos i have captured since myles was born.
myles henry :: 6 days old

myles henry :: 11 days old

my two older loves being silly:)

myles henry :: 21 days old

itty bitty baby myles :: myles henry one day old
my dear, dear friend gwen waite photographed our family not even a day after our myles was born. i am incredibly thankful to have these photos…i would have never had these moments captured otherwise. and, as much as we want to just remember, it is so easy to forget what that moment felt like and looked like because everything is such a whirlwind after a baby is born. precious, precious memories that i will cherish for a lifetime.

oh how i love this sweet little boy.:)