meet sweet baby h…she was an absolute angel during our shoot this week. enjoy peeking at this adorable baby girl…
sleepy, sleepy baby girl…a tough modeling morning.:)
meet sweet baby h…she was an absolute angel during our shoot this week. enjoy peeking at this adorable baby girl…
sleepy, sleepy baby girl…a tough modeling morning.:)
oh sweet sawyer…you are perfect. thank you to you and your mommy for spending the morning with me…your mom was a complete trooper. misty, i loved chatting with you…thank you for allowing me the opportunity to photograph sawyer in his first days of life.
this very sweet little peanut arrived before Christmas…three weeks early. i guess she didn’t want to miss a visit from santa claus:) what a perfect gift from above she is…congratulations to the p family and your sweet baby girl.
oh my was he sweet…and, i just loved how he always wanted his arms above his head. i am thinking that he must have slept like this in his mommies tummy a lot. 🙂 big brother wesley decided at the end of the shoot that he would warm up to his baby brother. i was so happy to catch a special little moment of him with calvin. it was nice to meet you sean and marie…you have two very cute little guys to love. 🙂
this perfect little bundle is the baby boy of my dear, dear friend…he came to visit me for photos a few weeks ago. i loved meeting him, holding him and snuggling with him during our photo shoot. baby vinny decided to come into the world over a month early. when i photographed him, he as almost a month old and still was so teeny tiny. mmm..mmm..mmm…little love. renee and larry, so happy for you. vinny is a perfect mix of you both and with a mommy like his, he will be filled with more sweetness than a whole house full of chocolate pie. hugs. more photos to come soon.
what a pretty, pretty mommy vinny has…look at him look at her. so sweet.