ohhhh shilo….
i met with shilo at the end of may and during the transport from daycare to our session location, shilo fell deep into sleep. well, you see, he was not so excited about waking up to take photos. and, when the mean photographer:) made mommy get him up, he was not so happy. so, we tried and tried, but he was just sooooo sleepy. i still caught some sweet moments, but shilo was just not quite himself. so, we found a time that worked to meet again and it ended up being a month later. sweet shilo was wide awake and full of smiles. and, i honestly could not believe how much he had grown in just one short month. he looks so different to me…more like a little boy. oh my is he cute. heidi and kyle…thank you! can’t wait for shilo’s first birthday!
sleepy baby boy…
here’s where shilo was really getting mad at me. 🙂 🙂 but, gosh, he is still SO cute even when he is sad…and, it was at this point
that we decided it would be wise to try again another day…
so, we met again and look what happened! smiles and TWO MORE TEETH! 🙂
lots more smiles to come soon mom and dad!