happy birthday lucy mae…

lucy was one of the very first little girls that i ever photographed…she is one now and exploring the world.   i love the first photo of her so much….the look on her face is just so sweet. little lucy was so pretty in her birthday dress and pink tu tu.  her mommy is such a girly girl, always having the perfect attire for lucy to wear.  molly and aaron, thank you for allowing me to photography lucy’s first year of life… i have loved seeing her grow into a pretty little girl.


Posted by Eydie Nelson

I adore the families I am fortunate enough to work with and am grateful they allow me to capture a little piece of their lives. Your children not only inspire me behind my lens, but fill me with happiness.

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One Reply to “happy birthday lucy mae…”

  1. Eydie – once again, you have done an AMAZING job! Your photos have captured Lucy, my beautiful niece, as she grew this past year. I know the entire family will cherish these pictures forever.

    Thank you so very much my darling friend!

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